Main Component

This is the main component of the system, it is used to configure, debug and calculate volume.

Basic Parameters

Use Dynamic Density

Probes Spacing

The "Probes Spacing" parameter is needed to adjust the calculation accuracy. The lower the value, the more accurate the calculation. Keep in mind that not in all cases and not on all scenes, high accuracy means a good result.

Probes Count Limit

The "Probes Count Limit" parameter determines how many points can be placed in the volume for calculation. This is not the final number of probes in volume. This parameter determines how many parts the volume will be divided to optimize the calculation speed.

Culling Options

Using these options, you can configure in detail how the volume will be filled in during the calculation. The set of options varies for different "Filling Modes", as well as for Workflows.

Color Threshold

The “Color Threshold” parameter defines the range of colors that will be considered equivalent, the higher this value, the wider the range.


In debug mode, you can configure each of the volume calculation passes in detail. In this mode, instead of adding probes to the target Light Probe Group, debugging objects will be added to the scene.

“Debug Object Scale” adjusts the scale of the objects.

Debug Passes

In some passes, rendering modes are available:

  • Accepted - only accepted probes

  • Culled - only culled probes

  • Both - all probes

Accepted probes are displayed in green, culled probes are displayed in red.

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