Quick Start

The steps described below are the same for all Render Pipelines, however, for SRP you have to perform some preparatory steps additionally.

For Built-In Render Pipeline

1. Open Demo Scene

Go to Magic Sun Direction Examples folder and open the Demo scene.

2. Go To "Set Sun" Window

Go to Tools Magic Tools Magic Sun Direction Align Directional Light...

The "Align Directional Light" window will be opened, by default it looks like in the screenshot below.

3. Activate Direction Setting Mode

Press the "Align Direction" button to switch to the orientation mode of the selected directional light source. The block with the overlay settings will be expanded.

4. Align The Directional Light

After switching to align mode, the overlay will be activated. Now your Scene View should look like this.

Rotate the camera until the light source on the static skybox is in the center of the circle. Use the settings in the "Align Directional Light" window for a more accurate orientation.

Check the "Track Skybox Rotation" option if you want MSD to track the skybox rotation and perform orientation automatically. (also in runtime)

Close the "Align Directional Light" window.

Your directional light source now completely matches the light source on the skybox.

For Universal Render Pipeline

1. Importing the URP Support Package

Go to Magic Sun Direction Support Packages folder.

Import the support package for URP.

2. Adding MSD Overlay Renderer Future

Go to the Universal Renderer Data asset and click the "Add Renderer Future" button.

In the drop-down menu, select "MSD Overlay URP".

MSD Overlay URP renderer future will be added to the list.

3. Setting The Orientation

The next steps are no different from the steps for Built-In.

For High Definition Render Pipeline

1. Importing the HDRP Support Package

Go to Magic Sun Direction Support Packages

Import the support package for HDRP.

2. Setting The Orientation

The next steps are no different from the steps for Built-In.

Last updated